Application ApplicationOur tuition-FREE program offers all the skills and coaching you need to jumpstart your career in technology. Success! , you are eligible to apply to our Tech Fundamentals Training Program Save my progress and resume later | Resume a previously saved form Resume Later In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password. Your Email: A Password: Confirm Password: Password must contain the following: 12 Characters 1 Uppercase letter 1 Lowercase letter 1 Number 1 Special character Geo Location Data (hidden functionality data) Dallas, Texas Duration Dallas, Texas Distance Dallas, Texas EligibilityYes Harlem, NY Duration Harlem, NY Distance Harlem EligibilityYes San Jose, CA Duration San Jose, CA Distance San Jose, CA EligibilityYes Michigan Duration Michigan Distance Michigan EligibilityYes St Louis, MO Duration St Louis, MO Distance St Louis, MO EligibilityYes Baltimore, MD Duration Baltimore, MD Distance Baltimore, MD EligibilityYes Newark, NJ Duration Newark, NJ Distance Newark, NJ EligibilityYes Los Angeles, California EligibilityYes Brooklyn EligibilityYes Harris, Texas EligibilityYes San Antonio, Texas EligibilityYes Raleigh, NC EligibilityYes Dayton, OH EligibilityYes Kansas City, MO EligibilityYes Sacramento, CA EligibilityYes Please Select an NPower Location. Thank you for your service to our country.Please select the location that will be the closest in proximity to where you plan to live. Which Location Are you Applying For? Brooklyn, New York Newark, New Jersey San Jose, California Los Angeles, California Detroit, Michigan St Louis North, Missouri St Louis Midtown, Missouri Baltimore East, Maryland Baltimore West, Maryland Dallas, Texas San Antonio, Texas Harris County, Texas Raleigh, North Carolina Dayton, Ohio Kansas City, Missouri Sacramento, California Which Location Are You Applying For? If you are eligible for multiple locations, please select only ONE. Dallas, Texas Texas D,SDallas, TexasSan Antonio, Texas Texas D,S,HDallas, TexasSan Antonio, TexasHarris County, Texas Texas D,HDallas, TexasHarris County, Texas San Antonio, Texas Texas S,HSan Antonio, TexasHarris County, Texas Harris County, TexasHarris County, Texas Harlem, New York Brooklyn, New York Los Angeles, California Detroit, Michigan Baltimore East, MarylandBaltimore West, Maryland Newark, New Jersey Raleigh, North Carolina Dayton, Ohio St Louis North, MissouriSt Louis Midtown, Missouri St Louis, MissouriMissouri Kansas City, Missouri San Jose, California San Jose, CaliforniaSacramento, California Sacramento, California No Location Option? If you believe this is in error, please contact us at [email protected] Assigned IDs (For Testing Purpose Only) Eligibility Entry/Token ID This is the entry/token ID ported over from GF Eligibility. Record this ID during testing if the outcome was not as expected with a description of the issue. SF Application ID Campaign Source Medium Personal Information First Name Last Name Email Address Cell Phone Number Street Address City StatePlease select... Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico Virgin Island Northern Mariana Islands Guam American Samoa Palau Zip Code County Social Security Number The security of your personal information is important to us. When you enter sensitive information on our registration forms, we encrypt the transmission of that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL) Read more here: x Date of Birth MM/DD/YYYY Age Calculation Are you applying as a young adult or as a military-affiliated person?Please select... Young Adult Military Veteran Military Reservist/National Guard Military Spouse Military Transitioning Service Member Military Active Duty None of the Above Are you a US Citizen?Please select... Yes No Are you legally authorized to work in the U.S.?Please select... Yes No Will you now, or in the future, require sponsorship employment visa status (e.g., H-1B visa status, Student VisaPlease select... Yes No To which Tech Fundamentals location are you interested in applying?Please select... East Baltimore West Baltimore Detroit Jersey City Newark Brooklyn Harlem San Jose North St. Louis Midtown St. Louis Type of discharge (general, honorable, etc)?Please select... Honorable General Other than Honorable Bad Conduct Dishonorable Not Applicable Do you have a high school diploma or equivalent?Please select... Yes No Self-Reporting NPower invites all applicants to voluntarily report their race, gender, ethnicity and preferred pronouns. Your responses are collected for internal data collection purposes and will not be used to determine program eligibility. Race/EthnicityPlease select... African American/Black Asian Caucasian / White Native American Multiracial Other Pacific Islander Prefer not to answer Please Specify Do you identify as Hispanic/Latinx?YesNo With which gender identity to you most/currently identify?Please select... Male Female Transgender Male/Female-to-Male (FTM) Transgender Female/Male-to-Female (MTF) Non-Binary, neither exclusively male nor female Other/Prefer to Self-Describe Please Specify What are your preferred pronouns?Please select... Prefer not to answer He / Him / His She / Her / Hers They / Them / Theirs Not Listed Please Specify Previous Experience Educational Experience What is the highest level of school or completed degree?Please select... High School GED Some College Associate's Degree Vocational Degree Bachelor's Degree Undergraduate Degree/Diploma Graduate Degree Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate Military Certificate of Completion Other Name of Course College/Education Program Have you ever enrolled in a college or post-high school education program?YesNo Are you currently enrolled in a college or an education program?YesNo Name of College/Program Degree/Program Topic Were you enrolled full-time or part-time?Please select... Full-time Part-time Are you enrolled full-time or part-time?Please select... Full-time Part-time Graduation or Completion Date MM/DD/YYYY Projected Graduation or Completion Date MM/DD/YYYY When did you last attend? MM/DD/YYYY Please provide further details. Projected Graduation or Completion Date MM/DD/YYYY Technology Experience Have you taken any technology classes?YesNo Name of Institution Name of Class Do you have any technology certifications?YesNo Please list certification(s) Certifications are not required for acceptance into the program! Please select all technology programs in which you have proficiency: Microsoft Office SolutionsWordExcelOutlookPowerpointAccess Operating SystemsMac OSWindowsLinuxUnixAccess Web DevelopmentHTMLJavascriptFlashCSS NetworksServersRoutersHubsSwitchesEthernet Cables Desktop PublishingPhotoshopMS Publishing Employment & Benefits Employment History Are you currently employed?YesNo Have you ever been employed?YesNo Current Employer / Company Most Recent Employer / Company Job Title Employment Start Date Start Date MM/DD/YYYY Employment End Date End Date MM/DD/YYYY Full-Time (30+ hours per week) or Part-Time?Full-TimePart-Time Compensation TypeAnnual SalaryHourlyStipend Specify Amount: (Enter numbers only example: 35000) Are you currently collecting unemployment insurance?YesNo Income and Benefits Are you head of household? YesNoA person is considered HoH if they are primarily responsible for financially supporting the other members of the household. x What is your current marital status?Please select... Single Married Domestic Partnership Divorced Widowed Other Household size: Annual Household Income: Combined yearly income of all individuals living in the home. Example: 45000 Annual Individual Income: Yearly income from all sources for applicant only. Example: 30000 Do you have health insurance? Please select... Yes - Private Health Insurance Yes - Public Health Insurance NoInsurance which covers medical expenses for illnesses, injuries and conditions. Applicant may have health insurance through a parent/legal guardian, spouse, and their own place of employment (Private). Other options for health coverage include (Public) health insurance through state-based programs, VA health benefits, or no current coverage. x Are you receiving public benefits?YesNo Please select all the benefits you are currently receiving: SNAP / Food Stamps Public Assistance Child Care Subsidies Disability Benefits Public Housing/ Subsidies Transportation Vouchers Other Specify Other Military Status Branch of Military ServicePlease select... Air Force Air Force Reserve Air National Guard Army Army National Guard Army Reserve Coast Guard Coast Guard Reserve Marine Corps Marine Corps Reserve Navy Navy Reserve Space Force Please enter separation date MM/DD/YYYY Please identify you and/or your spouse's military specialty below (MOS, AFSC, NEC) Please upload your/your spouse's military verification form Forms Accepted: a. DD214- Discharged Active duty, b. NGB22- Discharged National Guard, c. DD256- Discharged Reservist, d. Proof of Service Statement or Letter- Active Reserve or NG, or e. Copy of most recent enlistment contract- Active Reserve or NG Are you or your spouse receiving military benefits?YesNo Please select all the veteran benefits you/your spouse are currently receiving. Educational Assistance Test Military Retirement Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve National Call to Service Program Reserve Educational Assistance Program Survivors’ & Dependents’ Ed. Assistance The Post 9/11 GI Bill VA Disability Benefits Veterans Educational Assistance Veterans Retraining Assistance Program Vocational Rehab Please specify total benefits amount: (ex 35000) Program Interest Availability & Learning Style Will your schedule allow you to accommodate the following class times, Monday through Friday? Mornings (9am - 1pm)Afternoons (2pm - 6pm)Evenings (6pm - 10pm)Select all that apply. Would you be available/interested in coming to a once-monthly in-person days in NYC for special events like class visits to corporate partners? These events would take place during company business hours. YesNoI'm not sure Which training model do you feel best aligns with your preferred learning style? Synchronous study (entirely instructor-led)Synchronous + Asynchronous study (hybrid model where some components of the program are led by an instructor, other components rely on self-study) Independent study is essential for success in the asynchronous (non-instructor led) portion of our program. Can you dedicate at least 20 hours a week to studying on your own?YesNoI'm not sure You're almost finished! Now, we'd love to hear directly from you. Why are you interested in participating in our NPower program? Please write 3-5 sentences. Please make sure that you have completed all required fields before hitting the Submit Application button. Only your first application for this cohort will be considered. Save my progress and resume later | Resume a previously saved form