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NPower Maryland Honored as Recipient of the 2020 Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) Bridging the Gap Achievement Award

NPower Maryland selected as one of the winners of the 2020 Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) Bridging the Gap Achievement Award

The GBC presents the awards annually to recognize exceptional majority, minority and women-owned businesses, as well as executives who nurture the development of minority and women-owned businesses in the Greater Baltimore region and Maryland.

NPower Maryland was recognized along with their dedicated partner, Under Armour, Inc. as the winner for the Innovative Partnership/ Strategic Alliance category. Gerald Charles, VP, Global IT Strategy and Operations and NPower Maryland advisory board member accepted the award during the virtual ceremony.

As part of the partnership, Under Armour hosted NPower Maryland trainees last fall for a full-day site visit to gain knowledge, experience, insight and real-world advice. Trainees interacted with tech professionals from Under Armour’s HelpDesk, Cybersecurity and Network Op teams. 

Former NPower Maryland advisory board member and Senior Account Manager Space Systems at Northrop Grumman, Andrew Parlock winner of the Mentorship category was recognized for his work giving back through mentoring Baltimore young adults. 

Learn more about the Greater Baltimore Committee Bridging the Gap Achievement Awards here.

NPower Maryland Trainees during Under Armour Site Visit 

NPower Maryland team celebrating the 2020 Greater Baltimore Committee Bridging the Gap Achievement Award

Andrew Parlock, Senior Account Manager Space Systems at Northrop Grumman and NPower Maryland advocate mentoring trainees


Andrew Parlock with NPower Maryland Spring 2019 Graduates 

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