NPower Missouri Executive Director Ben Kesler and Fall 2019 Tech Fundamentals alumnus Dematrius Kirkwood appeared on Great Day St. Louis to talk about the power of NPower.
Watch the full interview here:
NPower Missouri Executive Director Ben Kesler and Fall 2019 Tech Fundamentals alumnus Dematrius Kirkwood appeared on Great Day St. Louis to talk about the power of NPower.
Watch the full interview here:
View our CEO Bertina Ceccarelli’s response to New America’s article published in Slate Magazine that advocates that a commitment to diversity in the tech workforce must also include tech-skilled people of color from non-traditional backgrounds to fill the growing number of available positions.
United Way Greater St. Louis shares the importance of mentorship and how their support is changing lives.
CIO Dive speaks with NPower CEO Bertina Ceccarelli and other experts on critical pathways for non-degreed tech talent.
NPowerMATCH Mentor Spotlight Meet Ebony Gladney—NPower graduate and IT Help
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